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    Indian Country Asset Directory Submission and Nomination Policies:

    1. Voluntary participation. Participation in the Indian Country Asset Directory is entirely voluntary and participating organizations may opt out at any time.
    2. Informed and Affirmative Consent. Although anyone may nominate an organization to be included in the Indian Country Asset Directory, IFAI does not automatically include nominated organizations upon receiving a nomination. IFAI seeks informed consent from all organizations included in the Indian Country Asset Directory, and before IFAI publishes an entry to the Directory an individual with the authority to consent for that organization must affirmatively opt in. Organizations may opt out at any time.
    3. Data ownership; data security. Ownership of data, images, and any other material shared and displayed in the Indian Country Asset Directory remains with the organizations or individuals that developed them. IFAI takes no ownership interest in this material. Data, images, and any other material shared with IFAI for inclusion in the Indian Country Asset Directory entries are digitally stored in secure, password-protected files maintained by and accessible only to IFAI employees.
    4. Organizational information and right of review. Final language and descriptions of all organizations included in the Indian Country Asset Directory are developed in partnership with each organization and are not published until the appropriate contact at that organization has had an opportunity to review, submit edits, and affirmatively consent to its publication.
    5. Sensitive data; data use. IFAI does not solicit or publish sensitive information about organizations included in the Indian Country Asset Directory. Data collected by IFAI is collected solely for the purpose of the Indian Country Asset Directory with the consent of included organizations and is not used for any other purpose.

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    Please contact IFAI at with any further questions.